Thursday, December 31, 2015
Men Might efficacy of Fruit Pinang
Fruit Pinang and it could be called Betel Palm is a fruit that has the characteristics of a high tree straight ketas sky. This tree has leaves that are not green, stem leaves have up to 80 cm long and shaped like a tube. Pinag leaf tips visible tear.
Betel nut has various names such as Bua, Jambe, Pinang and others. This nut is able to treat various diseases. The betel nut has kadnungan substances that much and is very useful for our health, such as arecolidine, arecaidine, guvacoline, guracine, and various other compounds.
Hannya no fruit is beneficial, but betel nuts turned out to have other properties, namely to stimulate the brain because it is addictive and contains alkaloids that functions like arekaina and arekolina. In addition to treating various diseases, betel nut is able to increase stamina, especially in men as a natural remedy to improve strength and increase libido in men.
Fruit Pinang also suitable to be used as a daily meal so although rarely get food intake, people who eat them will still have a solid stamina. Pinang fruit is also beneficial for those who are married, namely to increase the stamina of adult men. The trick to making juice.
First prepare betel nut and then separate from the skin. After that, mix with egg yolk, honey and milk and blend until smooth. So that the waste does not participate swallowed, it should be filtered juice beforehand.
Nut has benefits as a supplement to increase men's stamina optimally. since the first fruit is believed to increase libido in betel nuts contain substances that we mentioned earlier.
Hopefully servings of fruit Men Might informasiKhasiat Pinang can be useful and become knowledge for us all.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Benefits of Young Coconut Water
Do you know if the Young Coconut Water Good for consumption, if all this time you thought that coconut water can only quench your thirst at the moment. Here there is a little review of the benefits of coconut water that has many benefits for our health.
This coconut juice turned out to have properties and exceptional nutritional value. Not just the macro elements such as nitrogen and carbon, but also micro elements that are needed by the body in coconut water. The element nitrogen inside a protein composed of amino acids, like alanine, cystine, arginine, opy, and serine.
Cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as a substitute body. Worthy indeed, if the young coconut drink our body feel refreshed.
When examined further, coconut water also contains a variety of vitamins. Including vitamin C are predominant, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder the coconut water is also used as an ingredient of traditional medicine as well as beauty. In addition, in particular, coconut water is rich in potassium (potassium). Besides minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varying between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0,07- 0,55 percent). Because of this so nutritional composition, the coconut water has the potential to be used as raw material for food products.
In the Philippines, the coconut water used for beverage manufacturing processes, jelly, alcohol, dextran, vinegar, and nata de coco. In Indonesia, coconut water is used as a drink (coconut water) and media making nata de coco.
What are the benefits of coconut water?
a. Nutritious coconut water as a diuretic, which is to facilitate urination. Coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to treat dehydration, as well as to combat the worms in the stomach disturbances small children.
b. If young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. The mixture of coconut water have properties to prevent clotting of the milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and indigestion.
c. Coconut water also has various medicinal properties. Among other things, drinking coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effects of sulfa drugs and other antibiotics, making the drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.
d. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, dark spots, wrinkles on the face which comes early, the skin dries out and becomes visible radiant face.
e. Mix coconut water with a little honey. This herb is a tonic that is cheap but nutritious. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and negate the harmful effects of excess sexual g4irah.
f. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water, then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir-stir all ingredients until smooth, then saved again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain this medicine with three layers of gauze. Save the juice was in the bottle, and apply on face twice a day until the acne disappears.
g. Coconut water is also efficacious as a cure wounds, chapped feet, and eczema. Create a potion relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in coconut water along the shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, and then the rice is milled into a fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body.
h. If young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a cure burns and negate the burning sensation in the feet and hands.
Well, apart from that nothing else ya known types of coconut water can neutralize toxins, he is a green coconut. Green coconut is considered the best remedy for several diseases such as heartburn, constipation, neutralizing toxins, dengue fever, intestinal worms, dysentery. When used for washing the face, then the benefits of green coconut can eliminate acne, smoothes facial skin, tighten the skin (anti-aging) and when it is used to wash, can prevent the onset of gray hair. In addition, green coconut can also be used as therapeutic gurah, how to condense one night green coconut water, then drink the next. When this is done every morning, God willing, the sound will be longer and melodious.
1,000,000. Wash your face with coconut water continuously, it can cure and eliminate acne, dark spots, skin dries and becomes more radiant face
Excess, Uses and Benefits of Coconut Water Fruit For Human Health
Something natural that surround us usually like we underestimate and ignore, but something ordinary that is not necessarily beneficial to us. When examined something natural is usually contained various compounds that have exceptional properties for our health.
Coconut fruit is a fruit that is no longer foreign to our ears because almost every day we may be associated with the outcome of palm plants directly or indirectly. Coconut fruit has many benefits or advantages of which are:
1. Help remove and break up kidney stones that exist in our bodies naturally.
2. Can help cleanse the digestive tract.
3. It can help improve blood circulation.
4. Treating the symptoms of urinary disorders difficulty urinating.
5. Helps regulate blood pressure and cardiac function.
6. Increase endurance of disease.
7. Eliminate travel sickness land, sea and air.
8. It contains no cholesterol and no fat.
9. Can help treat acne and other skin disorders when rubbed (green coconuts).
10. It has more nutrients than whole milk.
11. It can be processed into a variety of high value products.
12. Helps relieve / cure constipation and diseases / indigestion.
13. Help overcome the toxic effects of sulfa drugs and other antibiotics
14. As a cure wounds, itching eczema, chapped skin, etc.
15. And many other benefits ranging from water, fruit, leaves, stems, roots, and so on.
Young Coconut Water Benefits For Pregnant Women
Young coconut hijauDi society, there is a tradition of hereditary advised pregnant women to augment drinking coconut water, especially from green coconuts. It was said that if diligently drinking coconut water young- especially in the third trimester of pregnancy-the amniotic fluid will be clean and the babies who are born too clean skin, bushy hair and clear eyes.
Is it true that?
So far there has been no scientific studies that prove the truth of those suggestions. However, young coconut water does contain many substances that are beneficial for pregnant women. Substances that are perhaps indirectly make babies become healthier as mentioned in the traditional advice.
1. Assist Digestion
Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows gastric muscle contraction thus slowing digestion. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.
2. antipenyakit
Coconut water contains lauric acid, acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water equal to that contained in breast milk and has the characteristics of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral, so maintaining the health of the mother and baby from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa Giardia lamblia, and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.
3. Natural Diuretics
As a natural diuretic that is sterile, young coconut water diuretic and helps cleanse the urinary tract. It is nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent kemih- tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women.
4. Natural Electrolytes
Young coconut water is rich with content of electrolytes, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic electrolyte rich in minerals and has the same with the body electrolytes, coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and recover stamina.
Pregnant women need more water than others. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause a variety of complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contractions which can cause premature labor.
5. Increase HDL
Coconut water does not contain fat and cholesterol, even according to research can increase the good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.
If you can not get fresh coconut water, coconut water is now available pure bottled ready to drink can be purchased at the supermarket.
Mampaat other
1. As a natural isotonic rich in minerals and has the same electrolyte with electrolyte body, is very useful for rehydration and recover stamina.
2. As Natural Diuretics are sterile, smooth Urine and help cleanse the urinary tract toxic substances out of the body.
3. As Anti disease
4. Helps digestion
5. Increase HDL because it does not contain fat and cholesterol
6. Avoid acne, wrinkles and premature aging
7. Addressing the toxins on the human body
8. To combat the worms in the stomach disturbances small children
9. Keeping the body cool and is at the right temperature
10. Help overcome kidney stones and stones in the urinary tract
11. The natural beverage for infants suffering from intestinal disorders
12. The content of saline and albumen in it to help resolve cases of cholera
13. Maintaining the body's natural fluid levels
14. The effect of electrolytes from coconut water helps the absorption of drugs as well as facilitate the entry of drugs into the bloodstream
15. Coconut water can be a substitute for blood plasma as sterile, does not produce heat, does not damage red blood cells and can be directly received by the body
16. Suitable consumed as a natural beverage while to calm down, meditation, driving, eating, running, aerobics, work, exercise, or other types of activities
17. Helps the body fight the virus that causes the flu, herpes, and AIDS
18. Helps prevent osteoporosis
19. Helps control diabetes
20. Strengthening health thyroid function
21. Helps kill the parasite Giardia lamblia
22. The source of quick energy.
23. Relieves stress the pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.
24. Assist mengtasi gallbladder disease
25. Helps overcome yeast infection Candida
26. Prevent the growth of mycoplasma.
27. If you still feel a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to coconut water
28. Set the blood pressure and cardiac function
29. Improving blood circulation
30. To help cope with eczema and cracked skin
31. As a remedy burns and eliminates burning sensation in the hands and feet.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Benefits Betel Leaves Green And Red For Our Body
From the beginning of our grandmothers Indonesian people is strongly associated with cultures "nyirih" him. Betel itself has many types. There betel red, green, and black. Each with different benefits differently. Betel itself already from long believed by our ancestors to be used as an alternative treatment that can be used for all kinds of diseases. It is also likely to create a culture "nyirih" itself to strengthen teeth and gums.
Benefits Betel Leaves Red
Red betel commonly encountered in the forest that are not too tight ecosystem. Red betel rich in oil fly (betiephenol), volatile, seskuiterpen, starch, hidroksikavikol, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, tannins, diastase, sugar and tannic substances and kavikol that have deadly germs, aktioksidasi and fungicides, anti-fungal. The findings also read Soursop Leaf Efficacy And Benefit The Very Profitable
Red betel has the following benefits:- Overcoming whitish- Treating diabetes- Eliminates body odor- Eliminate bad breath
Benefits Betel Leaf Green For Our Body
Green betel leaf has a bright light green color. Green betel-known by the Latin name Piper betle Linn. Green betel included in the family Piperaceae. Regular green betel vines on other plants. However, green betel can also propagate in the ground. Green betel rich in essential oils, phenyl propane, estragol, kavicol, hidroksikavicol, kavibetol, caryophyllene, allylpyrokatekol, cyneole, cadinene, tannins, diastase, starch, terpennena, sesquiterpene, and sugar. The content of essential oil on a green betel and also some of them make the green betel as one antifungal good.
Green betel has the following benefits:- Treat vaginal discharge - treat form whitish This occurs because the green betel has antifungal capable of killing bacteria evil in feminine area.- Treating gum swelling- Pest spray medicine- Treating thrush- Treating dengue- Treating toothache- Streamlining menstruation- Treating back pain- Eliminates body odor- Treating eczema and skin diseases- Stopping a nosebleed- Removes unpleasant mouth odor- Clean the eye- Treating diarrhea- Mengibati asthma- Treating strep throat- Getting rid of insects- Slowing down the aging due to the antioxidant content- Overcoming constipation- Treating burns- Reduces inflammation- Troubleshooting penafasan- Treating coughs- Eliminate acne and scars
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Findings Benefits of Soursop Leaf A Very Profitable for ourselves
Soursop leaves may not semenggiurkan soursop fruit flesh. But it turns out, the benefits of soursop leaves is much more than the fruit itself. We can think of this as a form of compensation from the leaves are not considered. Leaves considered as an important part of a fruit tree or a flower. Soursop leaves began to rise from the research that has been conducted experts that soursop leaf is able to be an alternative treatment for patients with cancer. It also allegedly better than chemotherapy up to 100-fold! The content of the anticancer properties of soursop leaves also much higher than the soursop fruit itself.
The use of the benefits of soursop leaves for the drug itself is actually easy and can be done alone. The way is to collect the leaves of the soursop which has dark green. After collecting the leaves are dark green soursop, some soursop leaves boiled and then drink while warm. Of course, there are a variety of different recipes for a number of soursop leaves steeping in each disease.
At any disease? Yes, true. Soursop leaves is not only can be used to treat cancer and as anticancer alone. But the soursop leaves can also be used to cure other diseases as an additional benefit. Call it: asthma, gout, and hemorrhoids. The following will describe some of the diseases that can be cured with a dose along with the benefits of soursop leaves boiled water steeping:
Efficacy and Benefits of Soursop Leaf
Treating hemorrhoids - recipe by steeping free later soursop drink boiled water.
Treat gout - recipe by washing, tearing, and brewing 6 to 10 soursop leaves with 2 cups of water. Then, drink the cooking water.
Treat asthma - recipe by washing, tearing, and brewing 7 leaves of the soursop made by weaver ants nest. After that, drink the cooking water.
Benefits of soursop leaves for Treating Cancer - recipe by washing, tearing, and brewing 10 soursop leaves with 3 cups of water until reduced to 1 cup of boiled water soursop leaves. Then, drink the cooking water, efficacy and benefits binahong leaves.
Treating pain with washing recipe waist, tearing, and brewing 20 soursop leaves with 5 cups of water until reduced to 3 cups of boiling water soursop leaves. Then, drink the cooking water.
Enhance immune system and treat infections - recipe by washing, tearing, and brew 4 to 5 leaves of the soursop with 4 cups of water until reduced to 1 cup of boiled water soursop leaves. Then, drink the cooking water.
The after drinking a decoction of the leaves of the soursop itself, will arise feel less comfortable. An uncomfortable feeling in the form of heat in the stomach and constantly sweating. Feelings and reactions that occurs is similar to chemotherapy which is fighting cancer. Due to the use of soursop leaf itself is alternative / traditional medicine / herbs, then the results can not be overnight. Results of soursop leaf decoction water use will be visible for at least 2 weeks of usage. It could also be more. To be more observed, do periodic checks on doctors, especially if it is a disease that is fairly heavy. read also the efficacy and benefits of bay leaves.
In addition, the soursop leaves also have benefits for health and beauty. Respectively as the benefits of soursop leaf to: strengthen the nerves, lowers high blood pressure (hypertension), inhibits the virus, treat ulcers, reduces stress and inhibit mutated gene. Not all have to use the water decoction of the leaves of the soursop. It could also simply by putting the soursop leaves above the outer diseases such as ulcers.
Diverse efficacy of soursop leaves is not separated from the content of soursop leaf itself. Soursop leaf itself contains annohexocin, anonol, acetogenins, annocatacin, anomurine, and annomuricin. Each of these can kill cancer cells and also a variety of other benefits available to fight the disease. Is soursop fruit has the same content? The answer is yes. And its use is advisable to eat 1 soursop every day. It was then the equivalent of water soursop leaf decoction described previously.
Seeing this, it is not surprising how much packing soursop leaves is in the form of leaf extract and capsules. This could be an alternative option for you are busy and do not have time to prepare the cooking water and / or collect leaves of the soursop.
Ants Japan for your health
The phrase 'There is sugar, there are ants' is no longer valid because it is not just sugar that is visited by ants. But almost all of the food or object is also frequently visited by ants. Why ants Japan is very popular today? This is because the benefits of Japanese ants believed to cure various diseases.
In Indonesia alone, many adults say ants can be eaten because it has special benefits. Theory for this is not much that can be explained in detail. straight to
1. Relieve heart disease
Ants Japan also believed to treat heart disease. Internal medicine that can attack a wide range of ages is indeed a scary disease because it can eliminate a person's life suddenly.
2. Set cholesterol levels
Cholesterol is needed by our body but not a few of us are consuming too much cholesterol. Such foods - foods bersantan or seafood. Japanese ants can help arrange good for people with high or normal cholesterol.
3. Relieve Diabetes
Ants was delighted with sugar but ants Japan is believed to help regulate the amount of sugar in our tubuuh especially for people with diabetes Diabetes alias. They will menghilankan berelebihan sugar in the blood.
4. Adjust blood pressure
Another benefit is to regulate blood pressure in the body. Ant enzyme substance in Japan will help to regulate blood pressure such as high blood pressure that will continue into other diseases.
5. Provide additional visalitas
For those of you who have solid activity for example, requires extra energy in berkegiatan routine, Japanese ants can be a vitamin in the body which increase the vitality of both men and women. So it will increase stamina and strength in the body.
6. Helps treat Stroke
Japanese ants also have benefits to help treat diseases Stroke. Of course depending on the seriousness of the disease Stroke alone. When Stroke has entered into a high level, can be ants Japan can not only alleviate treat.
7. Overcome gout
Adults are many who experience gout with age. Uric acid is caused by various factors and the most dominant is because the pattern of life. Ants Japan will overcome this disease and also make sufferers will rarely feel pain in the affected joint gout.
8. Relieve liver disease
Patients with liver disease such as liver can also consume ants Japan as a drug. Japanese ants are believed to alleviate liver disease or at least do not make heart disease more frequent relapses.
This was the eight benefits of ant Japan.
Friday, December 25, 2015
cleans tartar with materials around us
What if we are already exposed to the mouth of tartar? whether the shellfish tooth can not be removed? or in what way these teeth cleaned mussels.
The following materials are all around us and effective in cleaning teeth shells.
1. Using Strawberry. Strawberry is one of the fruits rich in vitamin C that can help clean tartar us. The best way is to frequently consume strawberry itself. with frequent strawberry eating it will help scrape tartar degan quickly.
2. Using Clove. Clove is also a potent drug to eliminate dental plaque. It is very easy, you just rub the clove into your plaque, then proceed to rinse his mouth.
3. Using Acid Seed Kawak. This method may be foreign to some people because very few people who use kawak acid as a reliever teeth. Kawak acid may help remove dental plaque by grinding seeds kawak acid until smooth and mix with a little water hangat.Lalu used as toothpaste. Perform routine that quickly disappear and tartar from your teeth clean.
4. and last Using Orange Peel. Is the most powerful way to clean plaque. Particularly stubborn plaque and how it was quite easy. You just rub the inside of the orange peel to your teeth. Do after a meal will effectively eliminate bad breath.
prevent tartar safely
How to prevent dental plaque safely is
1. how often consume water after a meal or snack. Because water can cleanse the remnants of food stuck in your teeth properly.
2. You are advised to rinse the mouth after eating, it will help eliminate bad breath and food scraps are stubborn and stuck in the teeth.
3. The most important habit of brushing teeth at least 2 times a day that is after waking and sleeping sebbelum.
4. eating fruits after meals
Easy to Maintain Your Dental Health today
Each person would not expect to experience a toothache and also have the name of cavities and other dental problems. Therefore, we must maintain the health of teeth so as not to run into to two things.
maintaining good dental health and the right can be done by:
1. Make it a habit to brush your teeth twice a day or after every meal. So that the leftovers do not settle in between the teeth.
2. Take care of your own teeth properly and if there are issues related to the health of your teeth as gums bleed or the other. Immediately consult a specialist teeth.
3.Mulai now, stay away from smoking. Because the nicotine content in cigarettes turned out to be very good for your dental health.
4. rutinlah dental visit to a specialist to determine and check the health of your teeth every six months.
5. Avoid various sweet foods because it is not good for your dental health. Sweet foods will settle in between your teeth and is a breeding ground for bacteria that will damage your teeth.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
mouth and teeth for kindness
in 2012 there were about 60-90 percent of the population of a country who have cavities. And cavities are "investment for chronic diseases," said Dr. drg. Rini Zaura Anggraeni, MDS. How to keep your teeth?
Here are tips on how to care for your teeth:
1. Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles.
2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste containing fluoride. When is the right time to brush your teeth? After breakfast and before bedtime.
3. Brush your teeth properly.
4. Once a week, gargle with mouthwash. This can help prevent plaque and tartar.
5. Consumption of fruits and vegetables that can clean teeth like apples, carrots, and celery.
6. Limit red wine, coffee, and tea and smoking
Dental and Oral Health Keeping us with toothbrush
an awful lot we can do keep your teeth and mouth healthy, some things
that sometimes sounds trivial for our teeth and needs to be done.
how to care for your teeth to keep it maintained and nice:
1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste containing fluoride.
When is the right time to brush your teeth? After breakfast and before bed at night.
2. Brush your teeth properly, by reaching out to the entire surface of the tooth with the direction of the gums to the teeth.
3. Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles.
4. Make checks to the dentist every 6 months on a regular basis.
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