Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Benefits Cucumber For Maternal Health And The Fetus

Cucumber widely used as material for fresh vegetables were very fresh especially with a very spicy sauce once, and usually cucumber served as fresh vegetables accompanied with beans or grated coconut. But the real benefits of cucumber can be more than that.

According to some studies conducted on this cucumber fruit, fruit turns out there are a wide variety of nutrients stored in the cucumber, ranging from vitamins A, B, C, minerals potassium, silica, omega-3, antioxidants and much more.

According to obstetrician-gynecologist is very useful for adequate intake of nutrients in the body, especially for the mother who is pregnant is especially beneficial for the fetus as well. So what are the benefits of cucumber for pregnant women and the fetus? to answer your curiosity, on this occasion I will share a little information about the efficacy of the cucumber. all that I have summarized the benefits of cucumber for pregnant women following.

1. Lowering high blood pressure
Cucumber benefits for pregnant women latter is able to lower high blood pressure (hypertension) in women who are pregnant or become pregnant, it happens because the cucumber contains potassium which is very high, where the content is very useful for lowering high blood pressure.

2. Maintaining the health of the mother's body and fetus
Mangandung cucumber vitamin C is very high, we know its own vitramin C is very beneficial to provide immunity for a person, so it is not one of the benefits of cucumber for pregnant women and fetuses are very high, which is able to maintain a healthy body.

3. Stimulating the growth and development of the fetus
So that the fetus that mothers bladder can grow and develop optimally, it should be given nutrients optimally, one of the foods that contain a range of nutrients is cucumber, besides in cucumber fruit also contains compounds of omega-3 is very high, whereby the compound can spur developments in the intelligence of prospective baby's mother.

4. Nourishing mother and fetus
able to provide nutrition to the mother and baby, complete nutrition that are of cucumber will provide good nutritious intake for the mother or the baby, because during pregnancy, the mother and baby need a complete nutrition from the food they consume.

Well this is the cucumber benefits for pregnant women and fetuses, if you want to benefit optimally cucumber, then eat fresh fruit it regularly every day.

Similarly review Benefits Cucumber For Maternal Health And The Fetus. May be useful. I'll see you again and do not forget to visit again

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