Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hazelnut for Health and Beauty

Hazelnut is a natural plant that the seeds contain essential oils. Spices are easily found in the ground water is more often used as a spice in cooking sebaga. Area pecan trees grow better suited to tropical countries such as Southeast Asia (India, China, and Indonesia).
In addition to being spices, nutmeg can be used as medicine, especially if shaped hazelnut oil. Generally, the function of hazelnut functioning drug for fertility, for example, accelerate the growth of hair bald. But there is also use to treat diseases such as diarrhea, mouth sores, stomach pain, dysentery, fever, and toothache.

In some areas of hazelnut obtain different nicknames, like kembiri, Kemili, hambiri, gambiri, Kemiling, fruit Kaleh, keminting, muncang, and much more. Hazelnut estimated to come from the state of Hawaii, but it is not known exactly where the region.
The greatness of hazelnut closely related to the nutrients such as fat, carbohydrates, and proteins contained therein. Plus the vitamins make pecan famous in many countries. According Harjiyanto (observer of natural medicine) compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids and saponins are substances that are good for the health of the body that are embedded in plants ni.Pecan benefits for Hair
pecan is appropriate if used natural ingredients to nourish the hair. Here are some of the properties of hazelnut to make the hair attracted many residents.

1. Benefits Pecan Overcoming Hair Loss
Each day will experience hair loss, the amount of the fair range of 7-10 strands. If you exceed that number indicates you are having problems with hair loss.
Hazelnut willing to help you, just rubbing the hair roots of hazelnut oil until thoroughly strengthen the hair and avoid it from hair loss problems.
2. Provide the Natural Color Black Hair
In the salon you can discolor hair, but its side effects are still unknown. Besides choosing to give a black color to the hair salon scrape away the wallet, and therefore it never hurts to take advantage of hazelnut.
Just buy hazelnut oil, or make your own by way of pecan bake until charred and be ready to grab the oil is applied to the hair. Make sure the polish evenly, and did until the results seen. Will be jet black hair with natural methods, hose it also gives luster to the hair. See also the article on how black hair with natural ingredients.
3. Benefits Pecan Hair Thickening
Tepis memberkan problem of thin hair with nutrients or vitamins for hair. Not only vitamin that must be purchased, you can process the hazelnut to make hair thicker. Read artiel specifically about how to nourish hair with natural ingredients that can be made at home.
4. Benefits Pecan Accelerate Hair Growth rate
Hair growth can not be ascertained at the time, you just need to be patient and undergoing routine steps that are required. Actually, the problem of hair growth (fertility) depending on hormones and heredity. But it would not hurt you to take advantage of hazelnut in order to maximize the fast-growing and long hair.
5. Benefits Pecan Overcoming Gray Hair
Naturally, if the growth of gray hair (white hair) when entering the age of 50 years and above. But when the young are already overgrown with gray, you need to handle it. Hazelnut oil applying diligent enough in the morning after waking and at night before bed can overcome gray hair problem effectively.
Although pecan has not been chosen to be the packaging of products, but a lot of people who feel for health properties.
Instead of spending a lot of money just for health care for the hair, why not choose the road safer and cheaper, which utilize hazelnut.
Thus Pecan for Health and Beauty. see you again

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