Saturday, January 2, 2016

Easy Ways to Eliminate Acne With Tomatoes Fresh Fruit

Certainly from you all already know this one fruit (tomatoes), yes, tomatoes are not only used for food (especially chilli), it also can be use to treat acne stubborn in the face, do not stop there this fruit is also rich in benefits for health is also loo.

Note: This way if done diligently and regularly results in maximum will be felt, but as usual factors skin type can affect the level of that success, for it if it is less successful in this way, can read how to get rid of acne naturally other.

As for how the application of the treatment of acne with tomatoes first is as follows:
a. Prepare the tomatoes and a cucumber
b. Blender two materials to form a slurry
c. Apply tomato and cucumber puree that we have to face your area
d. Let stand briefly about 10-15 minutes
e. Then wash the face with warm water / clean water and dry with a soft towel to pat manner until all the water is lost.

For maximum results doing this routine manner for approximately one week.
The other way is mengunkan.
a. 2 pieces of tomato puree using blander
b. After the delicate fruit such as porridge, provide information to your facial area (both areas of the face that are acne or not)
c. Do not be washed out (let it stick tomato mask approximately 1 hour so that the nutrients contained in tomatoes can be absorbed by the face to the fullest.
d. Wash your face using the warm water
e. Dry your face using a cloth or soft cloth, by patting it.

That few tips on how to remove acne with the help of fresh tomatoes that can be tried, and hopefully acne quickly disappear from the face of our beloved.

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